
  • Plan A: 1-Year Commitment

    Plan A: 1-Year Commitment

    $100 Monthly Recurring Fee to ARS

    12-month commitment

    Cancel at any time with a 30-day notice, but pay out the balance of remaining commitment

  • Plan B: 6-Month Commitment

    Plan B: 6-Month Commitment

    $125 Monthly Recurring Fee to ARS

    6-month commitment

    Cancel at any time with a 30-day notice, but pay out the balance of remaining commitment

  • Place C: Month-to-Month

    Place C: Month-to-Month

    $150 Monthly Recurring Fee to ARS

    Cancel at anytime with a 30-Day notice

Pay Table for Assigned
Remote Service Specialist

Agency Size Monthly Salary
0000 - 999 HH $800
1000 - 1999 HH $900
2000 - 2999 HH $1,000
3000 - 3999 HH $1,100
4000 - 4999 HH $1,200
5000 - 5999 HH $1,300
6000 - 6499 HH $1,400
6500 - 6999 HH $1,500
7000 - 7499 HH $1,600
7500 - 7999 HH $1,700
8000 - 8499 HH $1,800
8500 - 8999 HH $1,900
9000 - 9499 HH $2,000
9500 - 9999 HH $2,100
Over 10,000 HH Negotiate
TASP/MOA SIZE Additional Monthly Salary
0000 - 1000 HH $600
1000 - 2000 HH $700
2000 - 3000 HH $800
3000 - 4000 HH $900
4000 - 5000 HH $1,000
5000 - 5999 HH $1,100
6000 - 6499 HH $1,200
6500 - 6999 HH $1,300
7000 - 7499 HH $1,400
7500 - 7999 HH $1,500
8000 - 8499 HH $1,600
8500 - 8999 HH $1,700
9000 - 9499 HH $1,800
9500 – 9999 HH $1,900
Over 10,000 HH Negotiated

If you are looking for pricing for the Frontline Representative, please go here:

  • Your Remote Service Specialist is paid a set monthly salary based on your household count and/or combination of offices

  • The Agency Size table on the left is pricing for your legacy office

  • For additional offices (MOA/TASP), add the amount in the table on the right to calculate the total monthly salary for all books

  • If you have been assigned a CSSO or Satellite Office, please note this on your sign-up form and call us for pricing details.

  • Note - These salary costs are separate from the monthly ARS recurring fees noted above and the $875 enrollment fee

See the following example for a household count of 1500 with no additional offices and the 1-Year commitment plan:

Agency Size Enrollment Fee Monthly Salary ARS Fee
1000 - 1999 HH $875 / One Time Fee $900 / month $100 / month

The all in cost, for this example, is $875 up front and a total monthly cost of $1,000.